Penis Extender Standard

Penis Extender Standard includes all the necessary parts for a short-term treatment program with the final result of the stretched length equal to 10.5 inches.
Drug Name

Penis Extender Standard

Drug Uses

Penis Extender Standard includes all the necessary parts for a short-term treatment program. This extender is the most comfortable device available and allows for increased duration of use with the final result of 10.5 inches stretched.

  • 2 straps,
  • 2 memory foam pads,
  • fully assembled base,
  • instructional CD ROM,
  • 2 and 3 inch elongation bars.

How to use

We recommend wearing it daily to achieve maximum results, but this is not mandatory. The final results depend on the total number of hours it is worn. Basically, the longer you wear it, the faster you will see results.

If you have a non- physical job, Penis Extender Standard can be worn under boxer shorts and loose fitting trousers. It may prove difficult to keep on during sleep, if you twist and turn a lot. The only way to determine this is by trying.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Muscle tissue will grow in all directions when stretched. Due to this general expansion, the girth increases in proportion to the length.

The mechanism of the device is based on the principle of traction, a method which simulates the human body natural reaction to the application of physical force. Tissue cells react by multiplying and the tissue gradually expands, a principle utilized by various indigenous tribes for multiple doubling of the size of earlobes and lips.

Missed Dose

You can wear Penis Extender Standard as you please. The result depends only, on the total amount of hours worn, and the traction involved.


Store Penis Extender Standard at 77 degrees F (25 degrees C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Penis Extender Standard out of the reach of children.


Product efficiency is our top priority. This device, unlike many others was designed with your comfort in mind. Other penis enlargement devices may work, however they will cause soreness because they use the noose system. Penis Extender Standard comes with our exclusive silicone comfort strap design. This allows you to wear Penis Extender Standard for longer periods of time.

Possible Side Effects

Penis Extender Standard is made of hypoallergenic, medical grade materials that will not cause any type of allergic reactions. The spring tension is not strong enough to cause any damage. It will not affect erection, urination or fertility when used as directed.

More Information

Penis Extender Standard has been proven effective in straightening the penis of men who suffer from Peyronie's disease, a condition caused by inflammation and scarring of the penis. Patients can anticipate improvement of curvature, in some cases up to 90%, without the need for any surgical procedure.